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Why We Decided to Rebrand

Introducing Sutton Planning, travel incentives & meetings by design.


Formerly known as Sutton & Associates, Sutton Planning continues the legacy of offering quality, one-of-a-kind, totally customized travel incentives and destination meetings for each and every one of our clients. Only now, we’re presenting our services with a brand new name and logo. But this begs the question: if we’re the same company, why are we taking the time to rebrand?

The name “Sutton Planning” fully embraces what we do, which is plan tailor-made incentive travel programs and destination meetings. Yet this definition only scratches the surface of who we are. Sutton Planning strives to expand the possibilities for each of our clients. What we provide is a uniquely customized program that provides our clients with an unforgettable travel experience. We take care of every last detail from pre-travel planning and contracting to onsite management and post-travel evaluations. This allows our clients to focus on what matters: building relationships with their top producers, clients, or business partners.

a group of people standing in front of a large building.

What truly sets Sutton Planning apart is our tagline, travel incentives & meetings by design. President of the company, Liz Sutton, explains that the key component to our tagline is “by design.” “Everything is customized,” she says. “We literally work with each client to build and design a program around their vision, their goals, their brand.”

Part of the unique customization Sutton Planning offers is a full marketing component. Each program receives a personalized travel website and beautifully crafted emails with images and information about their specific travel destination. Customizations include an online registration for the client and their group, a cohesive theme and color scheme that coordinates with the program destination, and various tips, hints, and checklists to help make preparing for travel and the travel experience itself as enjoyable as possible.

Ultimately, Sutton Planning has a heart for service. This was true 30 years ago and it remains true today. We care for and appreciate each of our clients. So thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey this far. We could not have done it without you.

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